韓文翻譯成中文語言翻譯公司代PO,請勿回站內信 本職位需於加拿大蒙特婁恒久駐點,請確認本身有前往加拿大工作的意願再行送達履歷 ────────────────────────────────────── [必]企業/組織全名:Enzyme Testing Labs Inc. ( http://www.enzyme.org/ ) [必]同一編號:加拿大公司,無台灣統編 [必]負 責 人:Martyne Malo [必]地  址:2031 Cure-Labelle Boulevard翻譯社 Saint-Jerome, Quebec, Canada [必]電  話:1-450-995-2000 [選]傳  真: ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作類型:協助遊戲中文化,包括翻譯、審稿及其他相關工作 [必]全/兼職:全職 (合約制,先簽一年,視專案需求及表示或可續第二年) [必]涉及語言:英文翻台灣繁體中文 [必]所屬範疇:電玩遊戲 [必]酬勞計算:$20.6 加幣/小時 (一週工時 40 小時) ────────────────────────────────────── [必]應徵前提: Job title: LINGUISTIC EXPERT – TRADITIONAL CHINESE LANGUAGE (from Taiwan) We are actively looking for linguistic experts for one of our prestigious international clients. You will be the reference of your language and have to put your own seal of quality. Enzyme is a privately held gaming company founded in 2002 and based in Quebec / Canada. From the beginning, Enzyme decided to focus on video games only. The organization has over 12 years of experience in group insurance testing quality video games and discussion, with offices in Canada and Japan. RESPONSIBILITIES: Linguistic test (10%) * Review and adjust the game texts to identify and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax to produce accurate texts; * Validate the consistency of subtitles and audio so that the text elements are consistent with the corresponding audio; * Identify cultural mistakes and propose relevant adjustments; * Submit content, style or structure recommendations that adds value to written and audio contents; * Enter the linguistic bugs in the database according to the procedure. Translation: (60%) * Translate the text from English to Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) by writing as closely as possible the content, context and style of the original text; * Translate the text of the game in accordance with the terminology of the game and methodology of the client; * Review and correct the texts translated by other translators. Expert content - linguistic expert (30%) * Perform comprehensive analysis of texts to validate understandability, structure, accuracy and adaptation for the recipients; * Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect to the terminology of the game and the client; * Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect to rules and spell nature and typographical conventions used in the organization; * Conduct terminological research in the field of video games to add to the customer terminology bank games; * Validate the translations and revisions produced by team members; * Identify the major linguistic bugs and communicate them to the development team; * Precisely and promptly respond to queries and questions; * Compile and send statistics to the QA Lead so he can incorporate them into the end of day report; * Update and communicate checklists and "trackers" to the team; * Train and supervise, if any, other testers and translators. REQUIRED SKILLS : * Show good interpersonal communications; * Demonstrate thoroughness; * Have a strong sense of observation and attention to detail; * Be able to work under pressure; * Have experience in translation or revision of Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) (3-5 years); * Have a degree in translation翻譯社 literature or related field (an asset); * Have a thorough knowledge of the cultural environment of the language market for which the game is designed (must have left the cultural environment less than three (3) months ago; * Demonstrate the ability to work with different platforms and types of games; * Good knowledge of Microsoft Word applications (Word翻譯社 Excel翻譯社 ...); * Knowledge of the translation tool used by the client (asset); * Mastering of the requested native language - spelling, punctuation, style翻譯社 grammar翻譯社 regionalisms; * Mastering the English language both written and oral. WE OFFER : * Paid training; * Competitive salary ($ 20.60 per hour); * Insurance if eligible. Project based position: the candidate must be available for a period of up to 2 years. Selection tests will be sent to applicants to validate mastery of the language. 職缺網址:https://goo.gl/9ofzAS [必]應徵刻日:徵到為止 [必]聯 絡 人:Karine Theberge [必]聯系體式格局:請將履歷寄到 [email protected] [email protected] �──────────────── [選]其他事項: 1. 應徵者不需為加拿大公民,公司可協助申請 Work Permit 2. 本職缺需在客戶辦公室恒久駐點 3. 登科者須於明年二月初報到 註:華頓翻譯社與 Enzyme 公司並沒有貿易上的合作關係,純粹協助該公司的 Recruiter 張貼這份職 缺訊息,也與列位分享這個到加拿大工作的機遇翻譯若有任何疑問,請直接聯系該公司,我 無法代為回答,感謝。


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保加利亞語翻譯語言翻譯公司中翻英 1翻譯由於大型航空公司不肯意辦事,為了彌補某些較小城市商務需求,以高雄為基地的便宜航空 StarJet,計畫 9 月 21 日增添高雄花蓮航路。該公司於今年 4 月份啟動,利用七人座飛機,現已辦事高雄、臺東、金門及澎湖等地,加上 即將插手的花蓮。其辦理階級所針對的城市,天天大約有四位商務客人固定往 返,此航路卻被其他航空公司捨棄。 Because big airlines are unwilling to serve翻譯社 for filling the business need in some smaller cities翻譯社 the cheap airline, Star Jet, which is based on Kaohsiung plans to increase a flight from Kaohsiung to Hualien. The company started with seven seats planes in April this year. Including Hualien which is added into, they have served in Kaohsiung翻譯社 Taitung, Kinmen and Penghu. Everyday there are about four business customers go and back regularly to the cities which the managers focus on, while this air line is disposed by other airlines. 2翻譯網路科技越來越發財,資訊獲得較之前更為容易,想知道某人的新聞,只要在goole等網路收詢引擎打上幾個關鍵字就可略知一二,乃至連廣告行銷也以此為賣點,火紅了好一陣子。 Because the technology of Internet becomes advanced, getting information is much easier than before. If we want to know the news about someone, we can get it just by typing in some keywords on the searching engines such as Google. Even the advertisement uses that as a selling point, and it has been popular for a while. 英翻中 Innovation is at a premium in organizations as the source of new products, new markets and (increasingly) new business processes. The organizational capacity for innovation and creativity has taken on a renewed significance翻譯社 with the shift from an economy based on material products and transactions toward a “creative economy” in which ideas and knowledge are the new capital. 創新對組織來講,就如同新產品、新市場和日趨主要的新貿易模式一樣的主要翻譯跟著以實體產品買賣為主的經濟模式,改變爲以設法與常識尾新核心的"締造性"經濟以來,立異與獨創對於組織的產能代表了一個全新的意義。 以上幾題不知是不是翻的得當,請指教,謝謝。


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法國巴黎聖德尼市(Saint-Denis)周日薄暮傳出槍擊案,數名兇嫌劃分騎機車、駕車現身,對著一群加入烤肉聚會的人開槍,造成一人受傷,暴徒隨即逃離現場翻譯警方初步研判,這起槍擊案應與可駭進犯無關。《巴黎人報》報道說,傷者是一位25歲青年,警方暫未公布更多案情細節。聖德尼不算治安很好的區域,2015年11月,巴黎恐攻的主謀阿巴伍德(Abdelhamid Abaaoud)在犯案後就藏身於此,最後在本地與警方劇烈槍戰後被擊斃。(國際中間/綜合外電報道)跟上國際脈動,快來蘋果繞著地球爆按讚 


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【綜合報導】太不自愛了!以《癡情玫瑰花》突起走紅的台客男團「Under Lover」主唱胡睿兒,昨被警方查獲在租屋處和饒舌歌手邵海瑋吸大麻,那時胡的緋聞女友「蛇姬」林采緹和Under Lover另名主唱楊琳也在屋內,全遭警帶回,胡、邵坦承:「因失眠壓力大,才吸大麻舒緩壓力。」被依毒品罪送辦;林女及楊琳堅稱未吸毒,警方採尿送驗後請回。昨晚林女秀出自行送檢的尿檢陳訴自清,警方驗尿講演估計下周出爐。


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有些家庭喜歡讓小孩跟寵物接觸,讓他們釀成好玩伴,韓國IG帳號nemamiya12 記錄著貓咪Latte和小男嬰的成永日記,追蹤人數已跨越8萬人,該帳號本來紀錄Latte的慵懶糊口,半年前新成員報到後,Latte開始陪同小男嬰成長,一路睡覺、玩耍,讓Latte成為小男嬰少小時的最好玩伴翻譯(賴俊佑/綜合報道)資料、圖片來曆:IG帳號nemamiya12更多內容,請上毛愛蘋果粉絲團


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美國軍方表示由其向導的國際聯軍,在敘利亞和伊拉克進攻激進組織「伊斯蘭國」(Islamic State翻譯社 IS)的步履中,從2014年以來,可能非蓄意造成229名平民喪生翻譯不外,這個數字並未包孕本年3月在伊拉克摩蘇爾的空襲釀上百佈衣死亡,估量現實數字應更高。美國駐伊拉克高階司令湯森(Stephen Townsend)鄭重地透露表現國際聯軍的空襲動作可能也致使平民死傷,對此,國際聯軍已睜開查詢拜訪。美國軍方上月25日才坦承,伊拉克摩蘇爾本月中旬一場可能變成200名平民滅亡的空襲,確切是由美軍發動,但美軍沒法證實死傷人數,美國和伊拉克當局正睜開查詢拜訪翻譯國際特赦組織批評稱最近佈衣死傷人數激增,顯示出國際聯軍在摩蘇爾的進擊動作,沒有做到採取恰當的庇護平民辦法,顯著違法國際人性法。(國際中間/綜合外電報導)


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